傑夫·傑普森 (Jeff Jepson) 是我們最喜歡的樹木學家書籍之一 "The Tree Climber's Companion" 的作者,最新發行《GROUNDIE》!GROUNDIE 描述樹木地工團隊重要的一職-地勤人員生活中的一天,從開始出發工作,到在工地實戰,再回家休息。對於樹藝行業的您來說,這是一本完美描繪細緻的書,也是樹木工作人員的一本佳品。 Jeff Jepson is the writer of one of our favorite arborist books - The Tree Climber's Companion, and he has now released GROUNDIE in paperback! GROUNDIE describes a day in the life of a groundie, from starting work, to working out on the worksite, to back the home. This is the perfect book for someone brand-new to the arborist industry, and is perfect required reading for new employees.


傑夫·傑普森 (Jeff Jepson) 是我們最喜歡的樹木學家書籍之一 “The Tree Climber’s Companion” 的作者,最新發行《GROUNDIE》!GROUNDIE 描述樹木地工團隊重要的一職-地勤人員生活中的一天,從開始出發工作,到在工地實戰,再回家休息。對於樹藝行業的您來說,這是一本完美描繪細緻的書,也是樹木工作人員的一本佳品。

Jeff Jepson is the writer of one of our favorite arborist books – The Tree Climber’s Companion, and he has now released GROUNDIE in paperback! GROUNDIE describes a day in the life of a groundie, from starting work, to working out on the worksite, to back the home.
This is the perfect book for someone brand-new to the arborist industry, and is perfect required reading for new employees.

