- 樹藝嘉年華報名人數有限,額滿即止。
- 參觀人士不用報名,如家長只陪伴小朋友參加,家長不用報名。
- 每個網上報名表格只提供一人報名。
- 如遇惡劣天氣,請參考惡劣天氣須知。
- 參加者必須確保在報名表格上之資料正確無誤。
- 每位參加者必須確保身體健康狀況是適合參加是次活動。主辦機構在懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加者參加的權利,而相關人士必須接受主辦機構的決定。
- 遞交報名後,即表示參加者遵守及接受在此及其後所有主辦單位所引入之參加者細則。
- 大會保留是次活動之最終決定權,如是次活動因惡劣天氣情況或其他原因被迫取消,將不會重辦。
- Registration will be accepted on a first-come-first served basis. Registration will stop once the application are oversubscribed
- Visitors need not fill in the registration form
- Each online registration form is only for one participant
- Please refer to Adverse Weather Notice for further information
- All information provided by a participant in the registration form must be true and accurate.
- Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate in the Event. The Organizer reserves the right to disallow/disqualify any person who is known or suspected by the Organizer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept such decision of the Organizer accordingly.
- Upon submitting an entry, a participant is deemed to have accepted all rules of the Event, the Official Rules as stipulated and also to those that may be later introduced by the Organizer
- The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or cut short the Event if adverse conditions happen.
Pro Tree promises not to sell and share your personal information with any other company/organization. The information you provided will be treated as strictly confidential, it will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of Pro Tree.
To keep you informed of our activities, Pro Tree HK would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training course and events. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes.
You may choose to stop receiving information from Pro Tree at any time; simply tell us by post or email to info@protreehk.com
- 不提供泊車位。
- 請遵從工作人員指示參加各項活動。
- 注意個人安全,請勿進入高球場球道範圍。
- 未滿14歲兒童須由家長或一名滿18歲並對該名年幼人士活動負責的人士陪同。
- 請自行保管私入財物。
- 攀樹活動進行時,陪同人士請在指定區域等候或拍照。
- 請照顧同行幼童及注意安全 , 切勿在場地奔跑、追逐 、喧嘩及滋擾別人。
- 保持場地清潔,請勿亂拋垃圾。
- 請勿採摘、折損或移動場地植物。
- 活動場地禁止吸煙。
- No parking is provided
- Please follow the field staff instructions to participate in the activities.
- Please be conscious of your own safety and do not enter the golf course fairway area.
- The person who’s age under 14 is required to be accompanied by parents or person of at least 18 years of age who is responsible for the activities of the young person.
- Please keep your own belongings.
- When the tree climbing activities are in progress, all accompanied persons should wait or photograph in the designated area.
- Please take care of children and their safety; do not shout, chasing around and harass others.
- Please keep the venue clean, do not litter..
- No picking, snapping or moving plants in HK Golf Club.
- No smoking
- 攀爬前必須在負責聲明書填上資料及簽名。(18歲以下人士須由父母或監護人批準及同意)
- 任何時間位於攀爬範圍內,必須配戴頭盔。
- 褲袋內物品必須全部取出。(不能帶有利器物品攀樹)
- 安放及穩固隨身物品。(例如水樽、相機、眼鏡等等..)
- 長髮者請把頭髮束好。
- 穿著包蹎不露趾運動鞋。
- 攀爬範圍嚴禁吸煙及咀嚼東西。
- 攀爬期間不能飲酒或服食違禁藥物。
- 攀爬期間不能觸及其他攀爬主繩。
- 注意自身及所帶物品之安全。
- Participants must sign responsible statement before climbing. (Under 18 must sign by parents or guardian)
- Helmets must be worn in the climbing area at any time.
- Remove everything from pockets. (No sharp objects in tree)
- Secure all personal items.(Glasses, water bottles, cameras, mobile, etc. )
- Long hair must tie back.
- Wear suitable shoes when climbing.
- No smoking or chewing gum is allowed in climbing area.
- No drinking and illegal drugs use prior or during climbing.
- Do not touch other climber ropes.
- Any question? Ask instructor!!
若三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號, 黑色或紅色暴雨警告在上午8:00前發出或仍然生效;則當天活動将全部取消及不再重新安排。
If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or above or Black or Red Rainstorm Warning or Thunderstorm Warning is issued or in force at 8:00 a.m., Whole-day activities will be cancelled and would not be rearrangement.
2019 © 樹木拓展學會 PRO TREE | 電話 Tel: 66251313